This is the list of new releases for the month of July 2017 I am looking forward to:
Kalayna Price – Grave Ransom – Alex Craft 5
Christine Feehan - Dark Carousel - Dark 30 PB
Heather Graham - Dark Rites - Krewe of Hunters 22 HC
Ilona Andrews - Wildfire - Hidden Legacy 3HC
Johanna Lindsey - Beautiful Tempest - Malory Family 12 HC
Kevin Hearne - Besieged - Iron Druid Chronicles HC
Nora Roberts - I'll always have you - omnibus
Victoria Hamilton - Muffin to fear - Merry muffin mystery 5
So, what did I read in June? I only read 16 books last month, and that is below average for me. I do blame tv-series binge watching (Storage Wars this time) and working too many hours. I did do a Patricia Briggs re-read.
Christine Feehan - Shadow Reaper
J.R. Ward - The Bourbon Kings
Eve Langlais - Freak'n Out
Jacquelyn Frank - Adam
J.R. Ward - Blood Kiss
Patricia Briggs - Moon Called
Patricia Briggs - Blood Bound
Patricia Briggs - Iron Kissed
Patricia Briggs - Bone Crossed
Patricia Briggs - Silver Borne
Patricia Briggs - River Marked
Patricia Briggs - Frost Burned
Patricia Briggs - Night Broken
Patricia Briggs - Fire Touched
Anthology - Unwrapped (the only good thing was the cover)
Patricia Briggs - Silence Fallen
Cherry Adair - Hurricane

© 2017 Reviews by Aurian