Of course you want to know, what is LLC 2013? It is short for Autoren Love Letter Convention 2013, which takes place in Berlin, Germany, on May 25 and 26, 2013. Cherry Adair is one of the American romance authors attending. We had a blast this summer, so we immediately bought the tickets once they became available for next year’s convention.

Our first guest is Cherry Adair, author of numerous romantic suspense novels, which I have been reading for many years now. So the prospect of meeting Cherry in person is awesome. I especially loved her Wright brothers series, and the T-FLAC Black Rose trilogy, so I am very happy that the third book has recently been released. I do hope the mailperson will deliver it soon.
Aurian: Welcome to Utrecht, the Netherlands, Cherry. Have some of your favourite Mocha Frappuccino and some Dutch cookies.
Cherry: Mff- sorry I don't want to talk with my mouthful of these delicious cookies, warm from the oven. Yum. Thank you. And thank you for having me here, Aurian. I've always wanted to visit Holland, and this is a nice introduction, since I will be there in person, next May. I can't wait.
Maia: Can you tell our readers who might not yet know you or your books, a little about yourself? Something that is not in your official bio (which is at the bottom of this post).
Cherry: I’m pretty much an open book. I, apparently, have an accent, I have a passion for mentoring new and unpublished authors, I adore my Pips on Facebook, I’ve learned to embrace my notoriously atrocious math skill (I tend to give away 46 books out of 10 on Facebook when I’m doing giveaways to promote a new book) and my husband trains our two agility Standard Schnauzers, Chase and Storm, while I sneak them treats under my desk.
I can summarize what I write quickly
LL Convention questions
Aurian: Could you tell us why you are attending a convention in Berlin, Germany, Europe? Have you been there before? Or other places in Europe? Were you surprised at being invited to a convention this far away?
Cherry: I was delighted to be invited, and the timing was serendipitous, since I was planning a trip to Europe at about the same time. I've always wanted to visit Germany and Holland, so this convention is a wonderful jumping off point, and the opportunity to meet German readers is so exciting for me.
Maia: The convention is in Berlin, a beautiful city. Are you planning to do some sightseeing? In Berlin or even in the rest of Europe?
Cherry: I will be sightseeing, and can't wait. I have to control myself so I don't start research what I want to see, and where I want to go, TOO early. I have books to write between now and then, and once I start researching a place, I want to be there right away. (I must admit, I already have my clothes ready to pack. Lol)
Aurian: There's a lovely group of authors coming his year. Do you personally know any of the other authors present?
Cherry: I know many of them, and am so looking forward to getting to know the others, but most of all I'm excited about meeting readers from around the world.
Maia: The convention promo and books are in German. Will it be possible for you to bring some English books and/or swag?
Cherry: Of course! I don't travel light anyway, so I intend to bring all sorts of fun goodies for readers. (I suspect – looking at the boxes of goodies in my office already – that I'll have to ship things to myself before I get on the plane!)
Book questions
Aurian: I especially loved your stand alone novel Black Magic, even though I am terrified of snakes. Any chance of another book set in this world?
Cherry: I HATE snakes, and writing that book scared the $#*& out of me! Lol I have several other books in mind for that series, but I'm so busy writing Cutter Cay, Lodestone and T-FLAC books, I'm not sure when I can schedule another
Maia: Now that you have finished the Black Rose trilogy, what is next on your writing schedule?
Cherry: A LODESTONE novel– RELENTLESS in March, A CUTTER CAY novel STORMCHASER in June, and a new T-FLAC book at the end of the year.
Aurian: I also love your Cutter Cay series. Did you do much research into this world of treasure hunting and diving, or do you have a friend who tells you all you need to know? Is there such a place as Cutter Cay Island?
Cherry: Alas, there is no such place as Cutter Cay, it lives only in our imaginations
Personal questions:
Maia: We both have enormous TBR mountain ranges, how big is yours? And what do you plan on reading next?
Cherry: I have an enormous TBR pile! First, I buy books recommended to me, then I always buy 2 books of friends or authors I mentor, so that is a GIANT pile. Unfortunately, I hardly read for pleasure these days because I'm so crazy busy writing. Now my real TBR pile consists mostly of research books. I'd be a great person to have along if you ever get lost in the jungle, or your plane crashes in the desert or you want to know how long a certain poison takes to kill you.
Aurian: What would you be if you could not be an author?
Cherry: I hate the idea of not writing. I love what I do so much. It makes me crazy sometimes, but I wouldn't want to do anything else. But if I wasn't a writer, I'd teach writing.
Aurian: Who are some of your favourite authors? Do you still have the books you loved reading as a young girl?
Cherry: I have thousands of books on my keeper shelves. I've kept almost all of my keepers over the years. The walls in my office have floor to ceiling bookshelves, and they are packed with thousands of books! I re-read many of them, and happily, most still hold up after all these years.
Aurian: I can never part with my books either.
And now for some fun quick questions:
Are you left-handed or right-handed?
I write with my right hand, but I can eat with both hands. Lol
What is your favourite movie, and which is the last one you saw in the theater?
It's hard to pick a favourite movie. I've loved everything from Monsters Inc.to Conair and of course, Gone With The Wind is right up there with my top picks. The last movie I saw was Skyfall. I enjoyed it, but I still don't see Daniel Craig as James Bond!
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I love to write and seem to be more creative late at night. And when on deadline (and I always seem to be on deadline lol) I’m tend to write until 4 or 5 in the morning, than take a nap while the rest of the world goes on about their day. My dogs enjoy my schedule and sleep under my desk while I write, then wake up to follow me upstairs so they can sleep at the foot of the bed. I have a husband whom I see on occasion. lol
What famous author, dead or alive or undead, would you love to meet and why?
I’ve met all the author’s I’ve ever wanted to meet who are alive. I have no desire to meet or converse with long dead authors – no matter how lovely or talent they were. I have a hard enough time carving out social time as it is without bringing Shakespeare or Charlotte into the mix.

Always an adventurer in life as well as writing, best-selling author Cherry Adair moved halfway across the globe from Cape Town, South Africa to the United States.
She settled in beautiful San Francisco, where she started what eventually became a thriving interior design business. "I loved being a designer because it was varied and creative, and I enjoyed working with the public." A voracious reader when she was able to carve out the time, Cherry found her brain crowded with characters and stories of her own. "Eventually," she says, "the stories demanded to be told."
Cherry writes five to seven hours a day, six days a week. When asked why she chooses to write romantic suspense, she says, "Who says you can't have adventure and a great love life? Of course if you’re talking about an adventurous love life, that's another thing altogether. Actually I write romantic suspense with adventure because I like to entertain and nothing keeps readers happier than a rapid pulse with a happy ending."
Popular on the workshop circuit, Cherry gives lively classes on writing and the writing life. Pulling no punches when asked how to become a published writer, Cherry insists, "Sit your butt in the chair and write. There's no magic to it. Writing is hard work. It isn't for sissies or whiners."
Their dream house finally complete, Cherry loves to spend time at home. A corner desk keeps her focused on writing, but the windows behind her, with a panoramic view of the front gardens, are always calling her to come outside and play. Her new office has nine-foot ceilings, a fireplace, a television and built-in bookcases that will house approximately 3,500 paperback books. "What can I say? My keeper shelf has been breeding in the middle of the night, rather like dryclean wire clothes hangers."
Because she loves to entertain friends and family, Cherry’s favorite part of the house is her Tuscan kitchen, which features large terracotta tiles on both the floor and counter, and glossy cobalt blue tiles on the center island accented with a gorgeous hand painted tile mural over the stove.
Now that the inside of the house is completed, Cherry has turned her attention to the garden. She loves flowers, and everything in her garden has to do double duty. "If I can't see it, smell it or cover something over with it, it simply must go." Especially since the lake and view of snowcapped Mount Rainer is always in view.
Her other passions include laughing with David, reading, Ben & Jerry's Fudge Brownie ice cream, and her daily Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino. "Now if I could just get the two of them together and make Fudge Mocha Frappuccino ice cream, we'd really be in business."
Where to find Cherry?
website: http://cherryadair.com/home
twitter: https://twitter.com/CherryAdair @CherryAdair
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cherry.adair.7
Cherry’s latest book is Ice Cold, the third in her T-FLAC Black Rose Trilogy. You can find a beautiful book trailer on YouTube here:
YouTube video of Ice Cold - http://bit.ly/SvUvI7

As I like Cherry’s books so much, I am giving one of them away to one of my followers. All you have to do is leave a comment, or perhaps a question for Cherry. Are you coming to the Love Letter Convention as well?
The winner will get her choice of one of the books by Cherry Adair still available at Bookdepository.com, and under € 8,00.

What an awesome interview. I bet she is excited to be attending :) You are going to have so much fun!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWhat a fantastic interview and I'd like some cookies please. I would love to visit Holland and attend this event..any room left in your suitcase....LOL. Thanks for introducing me to this author and her works!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGreat interview :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWould sure love love love to attend
LOVE this interview! Wish I was going to the convention!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh and I just saw that her hubs does agility. I so want to get back into that. I think it's also too cool that you got to meet all the "living" writers you had on your list.
Have fun... both of you!
thank you for introducing us your book! I really hope you'll have a great time here. And thanks for the interesting interview!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe gods of Random have spoken, the winner of a book by Cherry Adair from Bookdepository is: Felicia!