Genre: urban fantasy
Cover: fun.

What-did you think all vamps were pale, thin and brooding? Don't I wish.
Gloriana St. Clair is an eternally "full-figured" vampire-she just happened to be bloating when a sexy Scotsman sank his teeth into her. She and said Scot-Angus Jeremiah Campbell III, aka Jeremy Blade-have been on and off again for centuries, currently off. A couple hundred years has taught them how to press each other's buttons-in good ways and bad.
Glory's headed for Austin and a new business venture: Vintage Vamp's Emporium. After all, she loves clothes, and she is an antique. Only problem is, there's a billionaire techno-freak vampire hunter on the loose. Blade's in total he-vampire mode, and wants Glory to move in with him so he can "protect" her. But it's time for this vamp to explore her own powers.
It is time for Gloriana St. Clair to move again, as staying a beautiful 24 year old woman for more than a decade will be suspicious even in Las Vegas. Besides, she has to kick her gambling addiction. And so she has made plans to move to Texas for a change, and will stay with her old friend Freddy until she has found her own secure place to live, and a place for her new shop.
Her ex-boyfriend/almost husband is not so happy with those plans. There is a new hunter loose, and he is using high tech gadgets to detect vampires. He has recently killed one of Blade’s best friends, and now he insists that Glory come home so he can protect her. She is his responsibility, as he is the one who changed her after all. But Glory doesn’t want his protection, she can take care of herself, she wants/needs her independence and make her own way in life, not be beholden to Blade for everything she needs.
Blade does his best to change her mind, but Glory refuses to be influenced, and she has her faithful dog/protector Valdez with her, a creature made by Blade with some strange vampiric powers. It is not easy for an ancient vampire to get used to modern ways, and modern females. Glory is about 400 years old, and Blade is much older. But Glory loves humans, and to blend in with them. Thanks to the invention of synthetic blood, she doesn’t need to feed from humans either, or hunt them. Although the craving for fresh blood never goes completely away.
Glory is planning to open her own shop, filled with vintage clothing and furniture. Part is her own stuff, which she is finally ready to part with, and part she hopes to buy from other vampire hoarders.
This series has been on my wishlist for a few years now, so when Sullivan offered to trade this book with me, I jumped at the opportunity. As I was in the mood for something light and fun, I picked it up last Sunday, and read it in one afternoon.
I really enjoyed this fun filled story of Glory and her eccentric vampire friends. They are still looking for love and commitment that can span the centuries. And now they are united by the fear of this new hunter, who has a chain of vampire fangs around his neck. Glory gets the store she wanted, complete with a ghostly couple to stir things up, and is soon the next target for the hunter. This makes Blade go crazy and in total protector mode, and Damian is still putting the moves on her as well. But Glory does not trust him for a minute, and neither should she. Damian is the real Casanova and is always looking for the next conquest.
But this time, it is time for Glory to embrace being a vampire and train her own dormant vampire powers.
AAs I said, it is a fun story, and all the usual lore about vampires is thrown out, except for the no reflection thing. This makes it hard for lady vampires to put on their own make up of course, but Glory has had lots of practice. I enjoyed Glory and I applaud her for wanting to be independent. And yes, of course you can still have sex with the ex. There is nothing wrong with that, and you give off a signal to the merry widow who is now after Blade.
I also liked it that she is not a skinny topmodel, but a normal beautiful woman with curves. Even though she thinks she was bloated when turned into a vampire, and will always be bloated. Men were very much attracted to her. She took charge of the situation, and did not listen to Blade or Damien to stay safely home and give up her shop and let either of them protect her.
Valdez, now he is something else. Some kind of dog, and enhanced by Blade to protect her. And inform him about everything she does of course. He can talk too, which is fun.
I will certainly read more of this series, when the price goes down.
7 stars.

© 2013 Reviews by Aurian
Sounds nice but once again: just 7 out of ten? What exactly went wrong, then? And the cover is just plain UGLY.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHi Ana, it is a nice story, but not great or amazing or tugging on my heartstrings. Just a fun in-between, and for every problem the solution is some strange and unique vampiric power.
Verwijderen<i hope the price goes down, I know the feeling :/
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYes one of the things to make a book addict sad, is books you want and that are too expensive.
VerwijderenYes, that is more often my problem too Felicia. I don't want to pay more than average.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOo I think I have this one! I know I remember that title. Might have been one I grabbed at a book sale. Gonna have to go search those shelves!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDid you find it yet Anna?
VerwijderenI'm glad you enjoyed it. I tried to read it, but it didn't entertain me enough to keep reading.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI know books like that Sullivan :)
VerwijderenFelicia has me wanting this series so, like you, they have been on my wishlist. So glad you enjoyed it. Yep, you have me wanting it too now! :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGood Melissa :)
VerwijderenThis sounds like a fun read, while it didn't wow you some of the elements piqued my interest.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYes, it is just fun, but well, too easy solutions and too pushy male vampires.
VerwijderenSound as a funny in between read. After a heartwrenching or grisly read. I got some of those books from other writers, I'll try them first.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYes, you would like this lighthearted series I think.
Verwijderenit's not the most awesome book but I liked it it was fun and sweet. I have book 2, I'm so curious to start it.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI will keep my eyes open for the rest of the series Melliane.