Since this is my first post of the year I want to write about my reading year.
I’ve read 91 books and short stories in 2014. Not as much as some of my friends, and I haven’t reached my goal of 100 books. Especially December was a slow month. I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump. But looking at my list, I’ve read some great books last year. The highlights were (alphabetically):
- Jennifer Ashley - the McKenzie series. I’ve reread the books several times. I also bought the digital novella’s. It still is one of my favorite series.
- Ann Bishop, Murder of Crows. I love this series. A complete spin on the shapeshifter trope. Great worldbuilding and funny moments (Sam!) It’s unfortunate she writes so slowly! I’m eagerly awaiting Vision in Silver.
- Patricia Briggs - Mercy Thompson and Alpha and Omega series. Meeting her in Lünenburg, last May, I had a bit of fangirl moment. It was so great meeting her! I love her books, especially the A&O series. I’m waiting eagerly for Dead Heat. I even bought Shifting Shadows in hardback, something I don’t usually do, too expensive. But I made an exception this time.
- Grace Draven. Thanks to Karin I was introduced to her books. Entreat me and Master of Crows were beautiful, rich books. I’ll be looking out for more.
- Thea Harrison – Night’s honor and three novellas. This book kept me up at night. I couldn’t put it down. A great addition to a wonderful series.
- Gini Koch – Alien/ Kitty Katt series. I had been remiss in keeping up with the series and thought I would ‘just’ reread book one. I’m (re)reading the whole series. That’s ten thick books! But they grab you, so it’s not that bad. I haven’t finished the series, so I have some great stories to look forward this year. They are high on my TBR, especially after the great Christmas present by Aurian of the bookplates, signatures and magnets!
- Shelly Laurenston / G.A. Aiken – Two new books by my favorite author. It’s a pity Bite me is her last pride story. But she’ll always be my to go book when I’m feeling sick or down. I’ve reread her books about a million times. I know most of them by heart. Lions, tigers, bears oh my, they are great. And don’t ignore her dragons! Light my fire was another great addition to the violent, funny and sexy series.
- Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb is another author that doesn’t disappoint. Some books are better than others, but even her worst is better than most. I eagerly await every new in Death book.
- Nalini Singh also always delivers. She now has three series (Guild Hunter (favorite), Psy-Changeling (second favorite) and Rock Kiss. She is a great author and a very nice lady. I gobble up everything she writes and even though I liked, not loved the Rock Kiss series I will be reading book three.
- And last but not least Annie West. I met her in Berlin and was enchanted by her. She makes me read category romances again. Even tropes like revenge marriage and sheik romances. These are books I don’t usually read anymore. But she makes them fresh and writes in a way that I wanted them to be written long ago when I started reading category romances and was disappointed by doormat heroines and overbearing heroes.
I’ve added 213 books to my collection, mostly paperback (149). I also bought more eBooks (30) than ever; one-click buy is very seductive! The rest are trade paperbacks (25) and hardbacks (9).
Of those books, most were new. My main ‘bookpusher’ is still the Book Depository with 73 books. All the eBooks were purchased at Amazon and 30 books at several Boekenfestijns (discount book fairs). Four books I bought in Lünenburg, at Patricia Briggs’ lecture.
I bought 64 secondhand. A lot less than other years. ‘Luckily’ Aurian hasn’t been buying as much as in other years and I wasn’t tempted as much to piggyback on her purchases.
And 12 were gifts, mainly by Aurian and writers at the LLC in Berlin
All in all a good book year. I also have some resolutions for 2015. I want to read at least 100 books this year and I’ll try to blog some more. I’ve been very remiss in that, but I hope to find the time this year.
I wish all of Aurian’s readers a great year with many good books and happy reading!
Aurian: Thanks for the recommendations Maia! Of course I have read (most) of those books already. But perhaps my readers find some new gems thanks to your post.

© 2014 Reviews by Aurian
I really need to try Draven
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYes, so do I Blodeuedd.
VerwijderenI recently bought a third book. Looking forward to read that one!
VerwijderenHi Maia, we have many writers in common. I also like Nalini Singh, Shelley Laurenston, Jennifer Ashley and Thea Harrison. You have read 91 books?! That's a lot. Good luck with your new goal.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks. I'm failing this month. I started on another department and at the end of the day I'm to tired to read much. But I'll try. I started reading for LLC2015.
VerwijderenNice recap of your year, and good luck in reaching this year's reading goal! 100 books--go you!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks for visiting Jessica, and I will keep pushing her to read more books instead of procrastinating behind the computer ;)
VerwijderenI'll try my best. Eight or nine books a month isn't that much. Should be possible
VerwijderenLovely reccs, Maia! You should pick up Radiance by grace Draven too.It's her serial which she was putting up on her website and now published in a book. It's delightful! :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks, I have! And it's in the top10 of my TBR.