Genre: urban fantasy
Cover: good, but not what I expect Cynna to look like at all.

Touch-sensitive FBI agent Lily Yu and her werewolf bond-mate are recruited by the Secret Service to help identify elected officials who have accepted demonic pacts. But Lily must turn to fellow agent Cynna Weaver for help when Cynna’s former teacher, a demon master, emerges as the main suspect behind the pacts.
After a demon commits a gruesome murder, sorcerer Cullen Seabourne joins the team racing the clock to find the apprentice of evil who uses demons to kill. Cynna and Cullen must work together – a challenge indeed when each has good reason to ignore the desire simmering between them. But passion and events both spiral out of control as an ancient prophecy is fulfilled – and the lupi’s greatest enemy sets her sights on total devastation…
Every time I pick up one of these books, I think: why did it take me so long to get the next one? I really do enjoy this series. I like Lily, and how she does her best to balance her duties as an FBI agent with her inability to be far away from her werewolf mate, Rule. She is learning the ways of the Lupi, and uses it in her work at the Paranormal Division. You might think, anothere werewolf book? Been there, done that, they are a dime a dozen. But I promise you, there are truly different. I love how Eileen Wilks has created their society, the different clans, and how they all work on behalf of their Goddess, and fighting an evil one who cannot be named and who is trying to kill them all.
So when Lily is asked to help find some high level politicians who might have been swayed by demons, she needs Cynna’s help finding the demon master. Especially when suddenly demons start killing werewolf heirs. Rule is attacked as well, but he manages to survive. At the cost of a new friend, and that brings a huge obligation and a lot of danger with it for him.
And then Rule’s best friend and sorcerer Cullen gets into it as well. He is intrigued by Cynna and wants to know more about how her magic works. And yes, he wants her in his bed as well.
I also liked Cullen en Cynna from the previous two books. I still don’t know enough about Cynna’s back ground and how she became so powerful, but I like her. She did not have an easy life, but she is feisty and she tries to do her job even when her old mentor is involved in it. And when Cynna and Cullen do have sex, it sure changes her whole life, again.
Of course, the Lady is also after her, to take over for one of her “priestesses”, but Cynna is so far not interested in the job. With this new twist in her life, she might not have a choice any more. But she certainly won’t take it like a doormat, I know she will fight for her independence for a long time. And I like that, a lot.
Cullen has been clanless for a long time, as werewolves don’t like sorcerers, and he is one, a strong one. But recently he was taken in by Rule’s father, so now he is part of their clan, and proud and protective of it.
I really do look forward to see how it all evolves in the next books. It will be good!
So, unusual werewolf society, great world building, fights between ancient goddesses that involves the Lupi, and of course, Lily’s grandmother. We finally get a bit more info about her, and she has a connection with the dragons that came back from the Hell dimension with Lily and Rule in the last book! I want to know more about that as well! She is such an awesome character.
9 stars.

© 2015 Reviews by Aurian
Looks like a great book. I think that I read a few books from her many years ago and that I liked them. But I have to re-read them. Maybe soon?!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWith both Freya and Karin recommending this series Peggy, I had to start it :)
VerwijderenI think I tried, I have no idea
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt sure is different Blodeuedd, but it has the mate thing you dislike so much.
VerwijderenOh sounds good but I would be put off by that cover. Glad you said it doesn't look like her.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYes, the covers for this series are certainly not something that invites me to start reading.
VerwijderenYou have a great series with this. I have to read the latest books. Wilks is a great writer!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI though you were up to date on this series!
VerwijderenThere is one thing I have to say about this series, it gets better and better as it goes along. I am looking forward to getting my hands on Mind Magic which releases tomorrow 11/3/15 as it sounds like Lily is going to really be struggling.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI am still a few books behind Jackie, but yes I do like it. It is original and unpredictable and I do like that.