You must have noticed my absence from my blog and social media and your own blog lately. I have been working overtime a lot, and once I get home, I am really not interested in spending even more time behind the computer. Writing reviews has become a chore I don't want to do at all anymore. I have almost 10.000 unread blog-related emails in my hotmail account, but I am not deleting those, I will read some and try to react on your blog some day.
I am not ready yet to completely quit blogging, so I will post some things, and one sentence "reviews" of what I have read lately and haven't reviewed properly. Of course those reviews are not fit for review sites like Amazon or Goodreads, and I am sorry for the authors whose work I love so much that I can't do their books justice at the moment.
It might change again in the near future, but I can't say anything yet.
I have read some amazing books lately, and I certainly hope to read many more. But my reading time has been severely limited as well. Being tired makes me prefer to do some tv watching (although that has a screen as well), and lately I have been enjoying MasterChef New Zealand (although I still prefer Australia!).
I wish you all great books to read, and if you decide to keep following my blog, thank you for that. I will be back on your blog once my workdays go back to normal hours for sure!

© 2016 Reviews by Aurian
take your time, i will still be there ( sorry if i have been silent as well lot here as well to deal with but you stay in my mind^^)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh no :/ It's always sad when the blogging world looses another blogger. But I get you.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt's a pity, as you make beautiful reviews, but very understandabe. If you're short on time, you got to read the books and not spend too much time on screen.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTake your time and we'll be here if or when you're back.
oh this saddens me!! I have looked forward to your reviews. I totally understand your reasons though. When it stops being fun and enjoyable, its good to take a break. I do hope you return.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYou do what you need to do. Blogging and reading should be fun and never a chore. Glad you are coming up with solutions.
BeantwoordenVerwijderengood luck for everything girl, I can unterstand
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI know how you feel. I have dramatically reduced the time I spend on my blog as well. I don't know how the others do they have no jobs?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI completely understand. Blogging and writing the reviews can take up a lot of time. you don't want reading to become a chore. You need to keep your work/blogging/life balance in a way that works for you. That won't mean that we won't miss you, but I know that I will understand.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMelanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads
Aw that's totally understandable. Life can be exhausting especially if you're doing overtime. Hope thing settle down for you and that you get the blogging itch again when they do :D
BeantwoordenVerwijderenTotally understandable, Aurian. Sorry to hear that nothing has changed on your work. I have my fingers crossed that things will get better very soon! We will be here waiting for you. ;)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDon't worry, chica! We'll be here. We all have moments like that when the work is totally overwhelming, and there is no energy for anything else. You'll get back into the flow someday :-) hugs x
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks you all! I really appreciate all your comments :)