The first victim was lying on a sidewalk in the rain. The second was murdered in her own apartment building. Police Lieutenant Eve Dallas had no problem finding connections between the two crimes. Both victims were beautiful and highly successful women. Their glamorous lives and loves were the talk of the city. And their intimate relations with men of great power and great wealth provided Eve with a long list of suspects including her own lover, Roarke. As a woman, Eve was compelled to trust the man who shared her bed. But as a cop, it was her job to follow every lead … to investigate every scandalous rumor … to explore every secret passion, no matter how dark. Or how dangerous …
A very much admired and respected PA gets murdered in a sleazy part of town. Whatever possessed her to go there in the middle of the night, by her own. Suspects enough for Lieutenant Eve Dallas. And especially the victims son seems to hide a lot. He desperately needs money, and this time his parents refused him. So his mothers death will get him a nice inheritance. Then the second woman gets her throat slashed. A famous actress this time. And David was in the middle of negations with her, but she was stalling for more favours. Eve and Feeney are working around the clock on both murders. Which is a good thing concerning Eve, as she and Roarke seem to have broken up. She just isn’t ready to move in with him. But the knife slices two ways, as they both miss each other like crazy.
One of their own was murdered, and everyone wants to murderer caught and brought to justice. But the case is complicated, as her commanding officer is very good friends with the deceased and her family. So Eve has to tread very carefully, but still the evidence points at David, her commander’s godson.
The media is all over the case, and Eve has made a plan to draw the killer out, to make herself the next target. After all, she too fits his victim profile. But so does Nadine Furst of Channel 75, whom Eve is giving personal interviews. They both get a lot of airtime, and that must rattle the murderer. Especially when he kills the wrong woman by mistake …
A great second story in this long but still strong suspense series. I loved the parts between Eve and Roarke, and of course with Mavis, her almost rock star friend. It took me a while to remember who the real murderer was, and I didn’t remember all the great details any more, but that is the fun with re-reading. You know what is coming in the greater lines, but not the tiny details that bring the book to such great life.
Did I mention yet that the series play in 2058, which makes this a paranormal romantic suspense series? I love the sneak peak in the future, and can only hope it will become reality. Wouldn't mind seeing those amazing things for my self.
8 stars.

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