Today my blog turned 3! I never expected myself to keep going for so long, but I really enjoy blogging, and especially the interaction with other readers and the authors. And so far, I have no intention of stopping.
In the last year I have started doing author interviews, which is a lot harder than it seems, but I love doing it. I am very happy my best friend Maia is helping me with that. Now if only I could persuade her to make a guest review now and then ...
I have also participated in a few blog tours, and done some guestposts. I have discovered that I have to like the book and author to enjoy this. I do not want to promote a book I cannot enjoy myself. I am still not doing many book reviews on request, and I like that, as I want to keep reading the books I enjoy and have bought myself. Of course, receiving an ARC for a series I love is the best thing ever, and I hope to have more of those ;)
A blogoversary needs some stats, so here goes:
In those three years I have reviewed 745 books, and have posted a grand total of 951 blogposts. In the last blogyear that were 238 book reviews. I have 78 followers, and I still get a happy feeling when I have a new follower on my blog. Keep commenting people, I love comments on my blog (but not spam!).
My pageviews keep growing too, which is very satisfying to see. At the moment of posting this, I have had 35.932 pageviews, according to Blogger Statistics.
I am thinking of having Tynga design a new blog look for me though, as I really admire what she has done lately, and I would like something more professional looking, and especially something less narrow. What do you think? Have you changed your look before and did you like the result?

And of course, a birthday must be celebrated. So this time, I am offering two of my followers a choice of one of the 238 books I have reviewed this year, as long as it is available in paperback from the Bookdepository up till € 7,00 a book. How can you win this? Easy, just leave me a nice comment, and make sure I know how to contact you. Of course this is international. Winners will be emailed by me, and announced in the comments of this post.

© 2013 Reviews by Aurian
Hey Aurian! Happy Blogoversary! I can't agree with you more on the fact that to keep enjoying things you have to read more of the books you like and less of the books you have to review. Not that it's not great reviewing books, don't get me wrong, but there has to be a balance, like with everything in life :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenCongratulations! Here's to many more years of reading and blogging!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI want to change the look of my blog (have the artwork created for the Facebook page put on) but not sure how to match it. Good luck with yours.
cozyupwithkathy (@) gmail (.) com
Happy blogoversary!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI myself stick to my blog design. I'm a bit of a minimalist when it comes to blog designs, most look too crowded for me. And I have my own personal designer around if I ever do decide to get a new header for my blog.
If I win just tweet me, visit my blog or, oh you know I am gonna see it anyway :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOn to the good stuff, happy blogaversary!!!! :D
A blog change could be good, I do think that once a year I get this urge to change something, not always drastic but sometimes ;) But it sure is hard on your own so I think Tynga would be great.
Aw happy 3 years Aurian! That's amazing!! And wow that is a lot of books to have reviewed. I'm so impressed :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGetting a new design is always fun :) I did that about 6 months ago and had fun with it. Can't wait to see what yall come up with!
Hope the rest of your blog birthday is great!!
herding cats & burning soup
Happy 3rd Blogoversary!
Happy blogoversary! So glad you are a part of the book bloggy world! 238 books reviewed? Awesomesauce!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHey Aurian! :D Congrats on the 3 year birthday! :D That's marvelous ;) 745 books?!?!? Geez, you put me to shame. lol.. (But you routinely write up 5 reviews while I'm working on 1 or 2 =P)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI hear ya on the book promo. I wouldn't be able to promote a book I didn't care for or didn't like.
May you have many more blog birthdays Aurian!! Congrats again!
Happy Blogoversary, my friend! I'm so glad we share a love of cozy mysteries. :-) 238 book reviews is awesome! I agree with you about book tours. It has to be a book I want to read myself, which is why I usually pick the review post option.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI wish you many more years of happy book blogging!
Happy Blogoversary!!! Here's wishing you many, many more! I'm so glad that I found your blog and I love seeing your reviews. You're honest and I've discovered such great new authors/books b/c of your blog! Thanks again and hope that you know how appreciative we are :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI am glad that you are reading books you enjoy and reviewing them. When you enjoy a book it makes it all the more fun to share them with the blogging world. Wow! Around 250 reviews/year is awesome and from the page views, it goes to show your reviews is helping someone out there find a new book to read. Wishing you another great year of reading :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNa S.
Email subscriber: simplyreading(at)hotmail(dot)com
Congrats! And well done. I don't know if I could do this. The dedication and the effort that you put in. Maybe I'll try to guestblog sometimes with a review. Probably in Dutch, that you'll have to translate. I'm not that fluent.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHey darling, I'm so impressed, 3 years? wow! It's been a while, I'm almost at 2 years. You won lol. I was very happy to discover you and your blog, you're really nice and I love to read all your reviews!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHappy Blogoversary..3 years is wonderful and I am so glad you enjoy it and are trying new things:)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you so much for all your nice comments, it is very nice to see some new people commenting too :).
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWith my usual high tech method of throwing the names in a hat and picking them, I have chosen the two winners: Anna from Herding Cats and Burning Soup, and Ronnie Readsalot! Congrats ladies, emails are on their way.