While you are reading this post, me and my best friend Maia are on our way to Berlin, Germany, to attend the Love Letter Convention. This is the third year the event is held, and the third year we are going.
We always have such a great time there. It starts of course with the anticipation of which authors will be attending, do we like them, read them, or are those authors we really want to start reading. I have discovered some great authors to read because they came to visit their European fans. Like Bella Andre, Pamela Palmer, Erin McCarthy, Maya Banks and Michelle Styles. And this year I started reading Sylvia Day and Larissa Ione.
We are also in the habit of bringing a little gift bag to the authors we admire, filled with some typical Dutch goodies. To let them know they do have fans in our small country as well, and thank them for the many hours or reading pleasure they provide us.
So the next step is figuring out which events to go to, a Question and Answer session, a Blind Date, a Workshop? There are often 6 things going in the same hour, so which authors do we want to meet, and how can we see as many as possible? Which book shall I take with me to get signed at the signing sessions.
Here is a list of some of the authors I am looking forward to meeting this year:
Nalini Singh, Lara Adrian, Maya Banks, Sylvia Day, Annie West, Larissa Ione, Kelly Hunter, Lisa Jackson, Tina Folsom, Fiona Harper.
Then of course there is a hotel to be found, as this year the Convention is in a bigger location. Which means more authors, yeah! We also plan some time for sightseeing, and it is Maia her job to find things we both want to visit and see. Of course it all depends on the weather as well, and this year the reports are conflicting. One site says hot, the other site says less hot and rain and storm. Just like here in Holland at the moment. But Berlin is often just a few degrees warmer.
I have already made some dinner appointments with friends we made the previous years, and new friends I met on Facebook or through blogging. We will meet up with Peggy and Karin, who you all know from their monthly recommendations. I look forward to that very much.
And that is so much fun! The Sunday evening has been reserved for dinner with some lovely authors from Australia and England. I do look forward to all our dinners this week. No cooking! Great food, great fun, lots of new and old friends to meet. The atmosphere at the Convention is so great, there are only people there who love to read, and most amazingly, the same genre of books I love to read!
Normally, we would leave Berlin on Monday to drive back home. But this year, we have added two more days to our vacation when we found out that Patricia Briggs is in Germany this year! She is not coming to the Convention, although we really tried to get her to alter her schedule, but we can go and see her in Lunenburg, where she is lecturing at the University. This means two more days of sightseeing, and on Tuesday evening, we will attend a lecture and meet Patricia afterwards. I am so thrilled, I love her books.
An added benefit is, that means the drive back home is shorter by at least 2 hours, as we are much closer to Holland already. We can take our time and avoid the highway for a bit, see some more of Germany’s lovely scenery. Although Holland is “next door”, it is so very different.
So I will be gone for a whole week. I have no idea if I will have access to the Internet while there, or even have time to check my email and blog. I have scheduled a few posts while I am away, but not every day. I am still a bit too restless to read and concentrate on reading, I have started multiple books lately but nothing keeps my interest for long. Especially some of the ARC’s I was over the moon about when I received them. I sure hope I will be cured when I get back home.
I hope you all have a great week, we sure will!

© 2014 Reviews by Aurian
I hope you have a blast! I went to my first book con last year, and caught the bug. They are so addictive!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt was amazing, and so much fun Carmel! We have signed up for next year immediately.
VerwijderenOne day, I promise!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI hope to see you there one year Blodeuedd, you will have so much fun :)
VerwijderenWoot! Have fun ladies!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks Anna!
VerwijderenI hope you'll have a wonderful time and I can't wait for you to tell me everything!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNext year you will be there too Melliane! The French ladies I met all knew you and your blog, so you won't be the only French lady there.
VerwijderenThanks Felicia! I did take so many pictures!