Genre: urban fantasy.
Cover: nice, I really like her hair, it is exactly as described in the book.

Just when her new life as a TouchStone - a mortal bound to help OtherFolk cross between Faery and human worlds - seems to be settling down, Abby Sinclair is left in charge when the Protectorate, Moira, leaves for the Faery Court. And when the Protectorate's away . . . let's just say things spiral out of control when a spell on Abby backfires and the Faery Queen declares the Doors between their worlds officially closed. The results are disastrous for both sides: OtherFolk trapped in the mortal world are beginning to fade, while Faery is on the brink of war with the daemons of Hell. Along with her brooding elven prince Talivar and sexy incubus Brystion, Abby ventures to the CrossRoads in an attempt to override the Queen's magic. But nothing in this beautiful, dangerous realm will compare to the discoveries she's making about her past, her destiny, and what she will sacrifice for those she loves.
It’s been 8 months since the first book ended, and Talivar is still acting as Abby’s bodyguard. Moira is called back to Faery to testify against her former Touchstone, and Abby is stuck with babysitting Benjamin. And as Benjamin has just grown some angel wings, his parentage is getting very clear. When trouble starts, Abby has no choice but to bring Benjamin to his father, to keep him safe from Fae politics and war. Even though Moira did not want that, Robert is very happy with that. Even though his girlfriend and Touchstone Charlie is hurt being confronted with his infidelity that way, she soon loves little Benjamin.
A Fae woman has come to town, claiming that she is the new Protectorate, and Abby has on choice but to act as her Touchstone, denoting Moira. But Talivar just got back from Faery yesterday, and he does not believe her claims. And Abby herself really does not want to work for this woman who rubs her wrong. Especially when the woman tries to force her, and when that does not work, tries to abduct Benjamin. Something is very fishy here. But the next day, a spell is cast, and all OtherFolk are inflicted, losing their Touchstones, and having seizures just like Abby sometimes has. When the Faery Queen reacts by closing off the Crossroads, trouble is born. Without the magic of the Crossroads, the contracts between OtherFolk and their touchstones are worthless pieces of paper, and the OtherFolk trapped in this realm will fade and die.
And it is up to Abby to get the Queen to reopen the Crossroads before that happens. Thanks to the ancient pendant her mother left her, which happens to be a Faery relic, her father gave to her. Her father, who is still alive after all.
I really cannot tell you more about this book, or I would just spoil too much. It is filled with so much action, such an attention to details, especially at the Unseelie Court, I am still amazed with it all.
Abby is torn between Talivar and Brystion, and they both seem to want her, even though Brystion walked out on her 8 months ago. So he has no right to be jealous at Talivar, and Abby feels very uncomfortable being fought over by them. She will choose for herself, thank you very much. And I do hope she will choose Talivar, or perhaps someone from the next book. Moira, Brystion’s sister, is trying to teach her about her powers of being a Dreamer, and that is also fascinating stuff. And the scene with her mother’s memory was truly heartbreaking.
I really like Abby. She does not shy away from her responsibilities, even though she wants to. She takes charge and thinks of solutions to the problems, and working with almost immortal beings, that is not always easy, as their sense of time and urgency is warped.
Abby is not flawless, she got hurt badly in the car accident that killed her mother, she can never be a dancer again due to her bad knee, and she has a metal plate in her head. It gives her seizures, and makes her all the more human. She is determined and fun though.
There is a hot lovescene with Talivar, which I liked, as it happened after a lot of other stuff, and not because they were thrown together by faith. Their relationship had the time to work out, to develop, and I prefer that.
I do have to mention Phineas though, a miniature unicorn with a very dirty mind, who loves to sleep in her underwear drawer. He has a secret though, and Abby is not happy when it is revealed.
There are a lot of friends and secondary characters, and they all add their own originality to the story. I really like this world, and would one day love to visit.
But I do warn you, the ending to this book is evil. I guess I can live with it, but I also immediately want the next book, which will not be out before October 30th.
9 stars

© 2012 Reviews by Aurian
Talivar!! I just love him! I have a love/hate/love/hate/love relationship with Brystion. Oh and LOVE Phin!! Who doesn't love that horny horse? ;)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI like Talivar, am curious to know what will happen to him later on in the books. Brystion should have fought for her, so he is worthy of her in my eyes. And Phin, well, there is more to him than is revealed is my guess.
VerwijderenNoooo not evil!!!! That makes me die!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI am curious as I liked where the story was going with a certain love interest
You need to read on Blodeuedd, it is so worth it.
VerwijderenI like both love interests, but I couldn't escape the feeling that Brystion is made to look like a jerk in this book so it's 'justified' for Abby to fall for another man. I think it was not necessary.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHi Sullivan, I do not agree, I think Brystion needs to "man up" first before he can go for Abby again. He was the one abondoning her after all.
VerwijderenYay! I loved it as well, so many things but I still can't choose between the two men. Very difficult! I can't wait to read the third one! Phineas is so awesome, I love him!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHi Melliane, I agree, I need the third book asap!
Verwijderenyou'll love it, I'm soon a the end of the third. really great.
VerwijderenSo glad you are enjoying this series so much. I don't have this one here anywhere. But sounds like the books get better and better as they go from what I'm reading. :) Thank you.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHe Melissa 2, Do you mean the book are not available where you live, or that you have not yet bought them?
VerwijderenOh sorry, they are in my area, I just haven't purchased them yet. :)