Aurian: I started reading Gini Koch’s Alien series early this year, because I won one of her books, and I was addicted at once, so of course I had to tell my best friend Maia all about it, while she was visiting, and she took the first book with her.
Maia: Even though I did not have the time to read a book, because I was busy with writing an essay for my studies, I thought I’d read a few pages to get a feel for the book. But I was hooked at once and could not stop reading. The next day I ordered them all, and went back to Aurian to borrow the rest of the series, as I did not want to wait for the books to arrive in the mail.
Aurian: So, we are both big fans of Gini Koch’s Alien series, and have asked her over to talk about her latest book, The Night Beat, the first book in a promising new series called the Necropolis Enforcement Files. We both read the book, and loved it.

Gini Koch lives in Hell’s Orientation Area (aka Phoenix, AZ), works her butt off (sadly, not literally) by day, and writes by night with the rest of the beautiful people. She writes the fast, fresh and funny Alien/Katherine “Kitty” Katt series for DAW Books, the Necropolis Enforcement Files series, and the Martian Alliance Chronicles series for Musa Publishing. As G.J. Koch she writes the Alexander Outland series for Night Shade Books. She also writes under a variety of other pen names (including Anita Ensal, Jemma Chase, A.E. Stanton, and J.C. Koch), listens to rock music 24/7, and is a proud comics geek-girl willing to discuss at any time why Wolverine is the best superhero ever (even if Deadpool does get all the best lines). She speaks frequently on what it takes to become a successful author and other aspects of writing and the publishing business. She can be reached through her website at
Aurian: Hi Gini, welcome to Utrecht, we hope you will enjoy your stay here.
Maia: We have ordered your favourite Mexican Coca Cola, so have a drink and some Dutch chocolates.
Gini: Yum, yum, and thank you! It’s great to be here!
Aurian: You write different books under a lot of different pennames. I know of Anita Ensal, Jemma Chase, J.C. Koch, G.J. Koch, and A.E. Stanton. Why did you not choose a new penname for this new series?
Gini: Because this one is definitely a Gini Koch series. I believe that your pen name is your promise to your readers, and that when they pick up a book by an author, readers expect your tone to remain the same or similar as they’ve read from you before. I write in all genres and I have distinctly different tones for each pen name. The Necropolis Enforcement Files series is all Gini, all the time.
Maia: We had to google “The Lizard King”, but knew and loved all the other famous people (especially Freddy!). Are you going to surprise us with more celebrity undeads? Are they your personal favourites or are they chosen random?
Gini: There will absolutely be more celeb undeads in the series, as well as returning favorites. Some are my faves (I am also a Barnum fan girl, just like Vic, and you know Merc and the Lizard King didn’t show up by accident) and some are the individuals that fit correctly into the story flow.
Aurian: How many books do you have planned for this series? And do you already have new ideas for other series?
Gini: I have at least seven more books planned for the Necropolis Enforcement Files, and, being me, it could go longer. I’m an author -- I never run out of ideas (hence all those pen names). It’s having time to write them all that’s the issue, not coming up with new ideas.
Maia: Do you own a pen like the one Kitty killed her first Alien with? Do you still write ideas and such down on paper, or do you do everything digital?
Gini: I used to have a nice, heavy pen like that, but not a Mont Blanc (because they cost a lot, LOL). I’ve got a fascination with pens and pencils, and always have had (insert phallic jokes here), probably because part of me always wanted to write. I easily have a hundred pens and pencils, which is embarrassing to admit. With all that, you’d think I was a pen and paper writer, but I’m definitely not. I do make some notes in the many notebooks I have, but I’m 99.9% electronic. If not for the personal computer, I’d never be writing.
Maia: Would you be willing to attend an author’s convention in Europe, and if so, are there perhaps some plans in progress already?
Gini: I’d love to! Unfortunately, I can only go out of my region, costs-wise, if the convention or conference pays for me to come. So, if you have a European conference that wants to bring me out, I will be thrilled to come.
Aurian: Are you lefthanded or righthanded?
Gini: Right handed. And you’re the first ones to ever ask. *sniff* It’s so nice to know you care! :-D

The majority of Prosaic City’s residents don’t know that their town exists on top of another place -- Necropolis, City of the Undead. For the most part, the two planes of existence manage to remain separate. And when they don’t, Necropolis Enforcement has beings in place to ensure the general human population remains blithely clueless.
Victoria Wolfe is more than just a policewoman. She’s an undercover werewolf assigned by Necropolis Enforcement to work Prosaic City Police’s Night Beat. Victoria’s comfortable working the shift where all the weird comes out to play, especially since her partner is also her perfect man. Or would be, if Victoria could ever work up the nerve to tell him she isn’t like other girls.
It’s hard enough being a werewolf in disguise, but when a creature from the Depths of Hell shows up in an alley preferred by junkies, bums, and hookers, it’s going to take more than just Victoria’s special gun and werewolf skills to subdue the ancient Sumerian demon. Especially when the demon is merely the start of what appears to be a major takeover attempt by the Prince of Darkness.
Soon all of Necropolis Enforcement’s Undead Brigade is involved in the fight to stop the Prince’s Major Minions from taking over Prosaic City and the rest of the human plane. But it’s Victoria who has to face the Adversary and figure out what intricate plan Lucifer has up his wings before everyone she cares about is destroyed.
In other words, it’s just another day on the Night Beat.
Gini is pleased to offer an electronic copy of The Night Beat to one lucky winner, open internationally.
Just leave a comment below, and do not forget to add your broken up email address so I can contact you! And tomorrow, there is another chance to win, when Gini is back with a guestpost. Giveaway’s will both end September 20, 2012. Winner’s will be posted on the blog and emailed by me.

7! Wow :D Good news!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI agree Blodeuedd, the more books she writes, the merrier we are :)
VerwijderenThanks for a fabulous interview! Glad to hear that there are a lot more books planned :) I love Gini's Alien series and this sounds right up my alley too!
Hi Erin, I agree, more books = better. Did you read Alexander Outland?
VerwijderenThat is a great idea! A pen name for the genre you write in. This was a fun interview!! You both should do more of these.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenbooks (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com
Thanks Melissa, let's hope this is the first of many :)
Verwijderengreat interview! love the book so far! gotta go buy it! but gotta finish the tour first lol!
Hi Julia, welcome to my blog, and thank you! Here is to hoping you win one :)
VerwijderenOh wonderful interview. You all had to have a great time chatting. :) And I knew of a few pen names, but not all of them. Hmm, might have to go digging some more. :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you!
Hi Melissa2, thank you :) I just wish this was done in person instead of by email ;)
VerwijderenThat's kinda how I fell into the Alien series. I picked up Alien Tango at the library and I was hooked! I went to the bookstore the next day and bought them all.
leethas at aol . com
Hi Shawn, welcome to my blog! I hope you will like The Night Beat as much as the Alien series!