This last month found me being down with the flu for quite some time and thus all I read was what I would call comfort books. I found a new author whose books I liked a lot. I’m talking about Holly Martin.
First I would like to recommend
Christmas at Lilac Cottage

This book is a romcom suitable for the time before Christmas (or the time around Christmas, come to think of it). It has got everything you could wish for.
The heroine is sweet but not a pushover. The hero is honourable, good looking of course. His daughter whom he raised since he was seventeen years old is a lovely teenager (oh yes, they exist – at least in books!!)
Some scenes are hilarious, I was laughing out loud until I was crying. The love story is sweet, there are some obstacles to overcome but they are soon solved and I finished the book with a good feeling.
The same author also wrote
Snowflakes on Silver Cove

This book plays in the same setting as the first one, it is (surprise!) a romcom and I laughed even harder than with the first one. I guess some of the scenes drifted toward slapstick but for once I found that I didn’t mind. I enjoyed myself thoroughly and if you are in the mood for some light and fun reading I would highly recommend this author.
And just for a complete change in mood I would also recommend
Hell’s Geek by Eve Langlais

This author has got several series out and one of them is – well you guessed it – about Hell and its occupants. Now this is the fourth book in the series but even if you don’t start with the first one you will have no big troubles to find out what it is about.
It is about Adexios, Charon’s son. Right – the same Charon who ferries souls across to Hell. Unfortunately Adexios is totally unsuitable to follow in his father’s footsteps. He is clumsy, whipsmart (the shame!) and a really kind person (the horror!).
He and the Amazon Valaska have to join forces on command of Hell’s ruler Lucifer to go on a mission.
Everything about this book is totally ridiculous, laugh – out – funny and to top it off there are a few hot scenes. For a fast, good read – try, if you feel like it!
I hope you could find something in these recommendations worth trying out. So, take care until next time and happy reading!

Aurian: Thanks for the recommendation Karin! I have been wanting to read Eve Langlais for a while now, and I am glad you enjoyed this one. It sounds like fun,
and I do love mythology mixed into my books.

© 2015 Reviews by Aurian